In the ever-evolving landscape of cinema, the voices of women storytellers continue to rise, reshaping narratives and challenging conventions. From the big screen to the digital realm, their stories captivate audiences with their depth, creativity, and unique perspectives. As we celebrate Women's History Month and beyond, it's essential to shine a spotlight on the remarkable short films crafted by women writers and directors. So, lets explore these gems and celebrate the contributions of women in the world of FILM, lets go GURLS (and everyone else) ♥︎
Young Mom | LGBTQ+ Short Film about Parenting & Family
"The film’s central theme revolves around the pressure Sofia faces, mirroring the experiences of many in their twenties, who are still navigating life’s uncertainties, she still has lots to figure out. When Claire brings up the topic of starting a family, it throws chaos into her adulting process and triggers insecurities. While Sofia’s actions may seem illogical, Delgado builds up to that moment by subtly showing us what her character is trying to prove to others, and herself. The realistic look of the film is what makes it such a pleasant watch, as it is easy to identify with at least one character, and the lack of dramatic moments or intense climax allows the short to instead focus on Sofia’s emotional journey."
F*ck Me, Richard | Woman Finds Love, But is he a Scammer?
"McKendrick and Polinger chose an approach that would capture the immediacy of online dating, leaning “into classical romance tropes”, while also “exploring a completely delusional relationship”. Tonally they also opted for a dry, dark humor that would make the film sharply entertaining instead of melodramatic, especially after the isolation that the lockdowns have intensified. The film is experienced through Sally’s prism, as the directors aim to immerse us in her headspace. From the images, the construction of the frames, the colors, and the camera movement to the pacing of the film, it all recreates the emotional roller coaster she embarks on."
Girl at Party | Girl (with powers) Meets Boy in Atmospheric Horror Short Film
"Jesse O’Kane’s directorial debut Girl at Party is a simple yet highly nuanced and stylized tale of killing; an entry of the film noir femme fatale to the horror genre. Similar to how I understand noir, Girl at Party is loaded with subtleties and visual cues that appeal to be read between the lines. So when death is a woman, and her weapon is sex, there is much to unpack."
Every Part of You | A Teenage Girl Uncovers a Dark Secret in a Cult Horror Film
"There are points where you think Every Part of You will slip into horror territory itself, especially in the scene where the young daughter and her concealed boyfriend are watching the video nasty (expertly recreated by Hodges and her team to mimic that original Evil Dead scene) and it so easily could have. However, that’s not Hodges’ aim here, as she keeps things grounded to focus on the real-life impact of the scenario and leaves us with more questions than answers. As the film ends with mother and daughter sitting at the dinner table, late at night, trying to address what has just happened, we’re left wondering if the film has helped Hodges answer any of those questions she had about her mother involvement in that renowned scene and what skeletons our own parents might have in their cupboards."
The Last Virgin in LA | Can Anyone Save Millie from her Virginity?
"If you want to feel sexually self-conscious or inadequate just talk with your friends about the topic – or better yet, get judged by someone whose opinion you didn’t even ask for in the first place. The premise of Zane Rubin’s The Last Virgin in LA is as simple as it is coyly absurd with just the right amount of randomness: Two women talk openly about their sex lives until the attention shifts to their other friend Millie (played by writer/director Rubin), who admits that she never had intercourse. This admission turns out to be much more than just a revelation between friends, as in the universe of The Last Virgin in LA this can literally be life-threatening. Because by now child actors and reality TV stars have hunted down every other virgin in L.A., and so Millie’s promiscuity accounts for the film’s intriguing title. In order to stay alive, she has to have sex as immediately as possible – can she do it in time and survive her impending fate?"